19th century maritime law could affect payout for Baltimore bridge disaster, expert says





ByJulian Glover and Tim Didion 
Monday, April 8, 2024 10:47AM
19th century law could affect Baltimore bridge disaster, expert says

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Attorney John Hillsman has spent a legal lifetime learning about ships, boats, and nearly anything that floats. And he's seen his share of disasters, including representing Bay Area fisherman in the 2007 Cosco Busan oil spill on San Francisco Bay. But he says charting a legal course often begins with untangling an obscure maritime law that stretches back more than a century.

"The Ship Owner's Limitation Liability Act literally dates from gothic middle medieval concepts, but it was enacted in the United States in 1851 -- the same month that Moby Dick was first published," Hillsman said.

That's right, that Moby Dick. And

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Por Nate Miller

Al programa se unen la Dra. Emilia Justyna Powell y Michael Atkins para discutir el derecho marítimo islámico. Emelia es profesora de ciencias políticas y profesora simultánea de derecho en la Universidad de Notre Dame. Michael es un oficial del JAG en la Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos.

Descargar Sea Control 507 – Derecho marítimo islámico con Emilia Justyna Powell y Michael Atkins



1.  Derecho islámico y derecho internacional: resolución pacífica de disputas , por Emilia Justyna Powell, Oxford University Press, 2022.

2.  La resolución pacífica de disputas territoriales y marítimas , por Emilia Justyna Powell y Krista E. Wiegand, Oxford University Press, 2023.

3. “Fantasmas de Kosovo: una prueba para el derecho penal internacional en

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Sentencia. Asociación Naviera Valenciana contra la resolución de la Comisión Nacional


Decision Alert: Supreme Court Unanimously Holds Choice-of-Law in Maritime Contracts Presumptively Enforceable










Legal Alerts



On February 21, 2024, the Supreme Court unanimously held in Great Lakes Insurance SE v. Raiders Retreat Realty Co., LLC that choice-of-law provisions in maritime contracts are presumptively enforceable under federal maritime law and that the exceptions were too narrow to apply.

As more fully summarized in Dykema’s November 2023 edition, the dispute arose from an insurance contract in which the insurer, Great Lakes, sought a declaratory judgment and Raiders asserted extra-contractual counterclaims under Pennsylvania law, despite the choice-of-law provision in the policy that stated New York law governed when well-established, “entrenched” principles of federal admiralty law were absent. Great Lakes sought enforcement of the choice-of-law provision for any issue not “entrenched”

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Colegio de Oficiales de la Marina Mercante Española contra Administración del Estado.




Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de 30 de septiembre de 2003.

Petición de decisión prejudicial: Tribunal Supremo - España.

Libre circulación de trabajadores - Artículo 39 CE, apartado 4 - Empleos en la administración pública - Capitanes y primeros oficiales de buques de la marina mercante - Atribución de prerrogativas de poder público a bordo - Empleos reservados a los nacionales del Estado de pabellón - Empleos abiertos a nacionales de otros Estados miembros en condiciones de reciprocidad.
Asunto C-405/01.

European Court Reports 2003 I-10391

ECLI identifier: ECLI:EU:C:2003:515



Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de 30 de septiembre de 2003. - Colegio de Oficiales de la Marina Mercante Española contra Administración del Estado. - Petición de decisión prejudicial: Tribunal Supremo -

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