Experto afirma que combatir el resurgimiento de la actividad pirata somalí requiere un enfoque holístico







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23 de septiembre de 2024

Por: Darren Parker

Editor colaborador sénior de Creamer Media en línea

La piratería marítima a lo largo de la costa somalí está experimentando un resurgimiento en 2024 porque las causas profundas en tierra han pasado en gran medida desapercibidas y el apoyo internacional ha disminuido, dijo Carina Bruwer, investigadora principal de Transnational Organized Crime Southern Africa .

Ella habló en la feria y exposición Aeroespacial y de Defensa Africana (AAD) en la Base de la Fuerza Aérea Waterkloof, en Centurion, el 20 de septiembre.

“Hemos visto que si los gobiernos siguen confiando en la supresión de las amenazas marítimas sólo en el mar, entonces van a volver, y la piratería es un muy buen

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Mapa de la piratería

Shifting tides: Global piracy trends and emerging threats in 2024



As global trade continues to rely heavily on maritime routes, the security of these waterways remains a critical concern. The mid-2024 reports on maritime security from the International Maritime Bureau’s Piracy Reporting Centre (IMB PRC) and the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia Information Sharing Centre (ReCAAP ISC) present a nuanced picture of global piracy trends. While the overall number of reported incidents has decreased, several concerning developments have emerged.

The maritime security landscape in the first half of 2024 presents a complex picture. While the overall number of reported piracy and armed robbery incidents decreased slightly compared to the same period in 2023, there has been a concerning rise in violence against crew members. The

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Mapa de piratería y robos a mano armada de la IMB 2024

Este mapa en vivo muestra todos los incidentes de piratería y robo a mano armada denunciados al Centro de Denuncia de Piratería de la OMI durante 2024. Si no se proporcionan las coordenadas exactas, se muestran las posiciones estimadas en función de la información proporcionada. Acérquese y haga clic en los punteros para ver más información sobre los ataques individuales. Los punteros pueden superponerse entre sí.




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Video: Tanker Reverses Course After Being Damaged in Houthi Attack

the maritime excutive


Houthi-released photo showing the explosion damaging the Chios Lion



The Greek-owned crude oil tanker Chios Lion (107,525 dwt) reversed course in the Red Sea to leave the danger zone with reports the vessel was possibly leaking oil after a Houthi attack. Today, the Houthis also released a video of the attack saying the tanker which was southbound from the Suez Canal was targeted because its operators were calling in Israeli ports.

U.S. Central Command confirmed the attack by a drone boat but said the Chios Loin was not requesting assistance. The master told the authorities that the ship was “lightly damaged,” and that the crew was safe after the attack at midday on Monday, July 15.

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