Ghana: Minute By Minute Account of How Chinese Fishing Vessel Was Hijacked




All Africa

12 February 2015



Tanzania: Dar Keen to Enhance Maritime Security, Fight High Sea Piracy





TANZANIA is committed to taking all necessary and acceptable actions to enhance maritime security and work together with regional and international partners to fight piracy.

Speaking for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) at the just-ended judicial exhibition week in Dar es Salaam last week, Senior State Attorney Mohamed Salum told the 'Daily News' that fighting maritime piracy was not the undertaking of a single country.

"As a move to foster the Regional and Global progress on the prosecution of pirates, the country developed the National Plan to Combat Maritime Piracy aimed at consolidating national efforts for combating piracy," he said.

The plan, the trial attorney said, would assist the government to promote Maritime Security through

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MPHRP: Signposting for Mental Health Support




Marine l

By Joseph R. Fonseca
Monday, February 02, 2015

Front, L-R Yasmin and Chester from SeafarerHelp (ISWAN) & Dirk and Martin (Deutsche Seemannsmission). Back, L-R Hennie and Alexander from MPHRP, Gavin from March on Stress, and Roy and Chirag, also from MPHRP.

It is only after some time following traumatic events that mental health complications may surface. Assessment immediately after such events would most probably show signs of the common and perfectly normal after effects of extraordinary life events.

While research is scant, all indications are that seafarers respond to trauma as we all do. We are usually quite resilient. We recover over time. Only very few of us experience

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Piratas atacan buque petrolero griego cerca de costas de Nigeria y Camerún




Actualizado a las 05/02/2015 - 09:27

People daily

Un buque petrolero griego fue atacado por piratas cerca de las costas de Nigeria y Camerún, lo que resultó en la muerte de un oficial griego y en el secuestro de tres miembros de la tripulación, indicó hoy la Guardia Costera de Grecia.

El buque "Kalamos" con bandera de Malta zarpó de China con rumbo a Nigeria y no estaba cargado durante el ataque, informó el Ministerio de Marina Mercante de Grecia. El buque petrolero fue fletado por una refinadora de India, según información preliminar.

El subcomandante resultó lesionado de muerte durante el ataque armado que ocurrió mientras el buque petrolero estaba a punto de ser cargado en una terminal petrolera cercana. Los piratas huyeron con tres rehenes, dos griegos y un ciudadano extranjero.

Aún se desconoce si los miembros de la tripulación resultaron heridos.

El "Kalamos" tenía una tripulación de 23 miembros, incluyendo a 10 griegos, informó la Guardia Costera de Grecia. F






Best Management Practices for Protection against Somalia Based Piracy


The Three Fundamental Requirements of BMP v

Section 1 Introduction 1

Section 2 Somali Pirate Activity –

The High Risk Area 3

Section 3 Risk Assessment 5

Section 4 Typical Pirate Attacks 9

Section 5 BMP Reporting Procedures 11

Section 6 Company Planning 13

Section 7 Ship Master’s Planning 17

Section 8 Ship Protection Measures 23

Section 9 Pirate Attack 41

Section 10 If the Pirates take Control 45

Section 11 In the Event of Military Action 47

Section 12 Post Incident Reporting 49

Section 13 Updating Best Management Practices 51

ANNEX A Useful Contact Details 53

ANNEX B UKMTO Vessel Position Reporting Forms 55


ANNEX C Piracy Definitions 57

ANNEX D Follow-up Report 61

ANNEX E MSCHOA Vessel Movement

Registration Form 64

ANNEX F Additional Guidance for Vessels

Engaged In Fishing 68

ANNEX G Additional Advice for Leisure Craft

Including Yachts 71

ANNEX H Supporting Organisations 72