Catalunya impide por motivos políticos que el barco racista atraque en sus puertos


La Generalitat ha vetado al barco C-Star, de los ultraderechistas Generación Identitaria, atracar en sus puertos por falta de permisos, aunque tampoco le hubieran dejado acceder con los papeles en rega: "Choca contra la política de Derechos Humanos de la Generalitat", apuntan desde el departamento de Infraestructuras y Movilidad.




Imagen del barco C-Star, del movimiento ultradechista Defend Europe.- DEFEND EUROPE



17/09/2017 18:57 Actualizado: 18/09/2017 18:28


No son bienvenidos en Catalunya. El barco de la extrema derecha

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The Problem






The issue of piracy against merchant vessels poses a significant threat to world shipping.  In 2011, there were 439 pirate attacks and 45 merchant vessels hijacked worldwide.  237 of these attacks and 28 of these hijackings occurred in the Gulf of Aden, off the coast of Somalia, and in the wider Indian ocean.  As of spring-2012 there have been more than 51 attacks off Somalia (121 worldwide), 11 hijackings off Somalia (13 worldwide), and over 158 hostages taken off Somalia. Currently, 12 ships and more than 170 seafarers are being held hostage by Somali pirates for ransom.  

Although liner vessels -- container ships and roll-on/roll-off vessels --  are generally considered to be at lower risk for hijackings because of their higher

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Yemen Puts Major Shipping Route at Risk




marex,27 mar 2015


By MarEx 2015-03-26 14:35:11

Conflict in Yemen risks spilling out into the busy sea lanes that pass it and potentially disrupt the narrow Bab el-Mandeb passage through which nearly four million barrels of oil are shipped daily to Europe, the United States and Asia.

Oil prices rose as much as 6 percent on Thursday after neighboring Saudi Arabia and its allies launched air strikes on Yemen that targeted Iran-backed Houthi rebels fighting to oust Yemen's president. The development is a gamble by the world's top oil exporter to check Iranian influence in its backyard.

"The collapse of Yemen as a political reality and the power of the Houthis will enable Iran to expand its presence on both sides of the

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Three Kidnapped off Nigerian Coast




Maritime Executive


A training scenario in Obangame Express 2015.

By MarEx 2015-04-13 15:55:21

French oil services company Bourbon Offshore confirmed on Monday that three Nigerian crew members have been kidnapped after one of its crew boats was boarded the night of April 8.

The crew members were aboard the Surfer 1440 when kidnapped. All three have been confirmed to be of Nigerian nationality.

Bourbon issued a statement today stating, “an emergency unit based in Nigeria has been immediately activated. Bourbon Interoil Nigeria is in contact with the families, supports and informs them regularly.” 

Bourbon operates a fleet of light, fast cruisers it calls Surfers that are used to move professionals to offshore oil and gas sites, especially in West Africa. This type of speed boat

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Advice To Masters





General advice to Masters transiting thru / calling at ports of piratical / armed robbery:

A structured and layered defence system is required to secure the vessel.

This system starts with being aware of the sea areas and ports affected by piracy and armed robbery. The IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (IMB PRC) broadcasts incidents of piracy and armed robbery to all ships in the IOR and AOR regions via InMARSAT Safety Net System. Similar information is also posted on the Piracy Map

In most incidents as soon as the pirates / armed robbers know that they have been spotted or feel the vessel has been secured and is a difficult target they will abandon the attack. However Somali and Nigerian pirates tend to

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