Golfo de Guinea: Presuntos piratas secuestran un petrolero y una tripulación en el Golfo de Guinea, al suroeste de la isla de Bioko, el 1 de enero

03 DE ENERO DE 2024 | 12:59 P. M. UTC


Piratas del Golfo de Guinea secuestran un petrolero con bandera de Tuvalu y secuestran a su tripulación frente a la isla de Bioko, Guinea Ecuatorial, el 1 de enero. Es posible que se produzcan más ataques.

La calidad de la asistencia disminuye cuando el hospital es adquirido por capital privado





Un estudio de la Universidad de Harvard revela que, cuando un hospital es adquirido por un fondo de capital privado, se producen más complicaciones, caídas e infecciones.

Foto de archivo de un enfermero caminando por un pasillo de un hospital.  Juan Ignacio Roncoroni / EFE


26/12/2023 19:59 ACTUALIZADO: 26/12/2023 20:16


La calidad de la atención en los hospitales disminuye cuando son adquiridos por empresas de capital riesgo y los pacientes tienen más posibilidades de caerse y sufrir complicaciones o infecciones en la hospitalización, según un estudio de la Universidad de Harvard.


El estudio, cuyos resultados se han publicado este martes en la revista JAMA, concluye que los pacientes tienen más probabilidades de sufrir complicaciones si están en un hospital adquirido por un fondo privado. Para los autores los resultados son alarmantes, porque demuestran que los

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Time to listen to the ocean




November 15, 2023


Steven Jones on the urgent need for the oceans to be embraced during the upcoming COP28.

As global leaders ready themselves for the forthcoming United Nations (UN) climate conference in Dubai, the urgency to prioritise both the climate challenges and potential contributions of our oceans is intensifying.

Despite covering over two-thirds of the planet and absorbing significant amounts of greenhouse gases and heat, definitive policies and financing for ocean-based initiatives remain lacking. However, ahead of COP28, a growing consensus is placing oceans at the heart of climate action, emphasising the requirement for tangible commitment, financial support, and official mandates to harness the ocean’s vast potential in aiding the achievement of Paris Agreement goals.

Giving a United Nations seat to international

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After Gaza war, are Somali pirates back in Gulf of Aden, Red Sea?




30 November, 2023
A failed hijacking of a commercial ship near the Red Sea last weekend has raised questions on whether suspected pirate activity will resume in troubled waters, as regional tensions boil over Israel's war on Gaza.

US Navy shows members of the guided missile destroyer USS Winston S. Churchill off the coast of Somalia in 2006 [Getty]

The attempted hijacking of a commercial vessel in the Gulf of Aden close to the Strait of Bab al-Mandib leading to the Read Sea has highlighted the threat of piracy in the volatile region's waterways.

After initially believing it to be carried out by Yemen’s Houthi group, the US military on Monday said it appears to have been carried out by Somali pirates, after detaining

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Piracy.IMB calls for regional efforts to safeguard shipping and trade as maritime incidents rise 2023 03 IMB Report 1 London and Kuala Lumpur 11 October 2023: The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has revealed a rise in reported incidents i

IMB Director Michael Howlett said:

"The Gulf of Guinea stands as a region of concern with a rise in reported incidents, as opposed to the downward trend we have seen in the past two years. The IMB sees regional ownership as critical to safeguard shipping and trade and to address these crimes."

Increase in incidents for Gulf of Guinea

Reported incidents increased in the Gulf of Guinea in the first nine months of 2023, from 21 compared to 14 for the same period in 2022. Seventeen were classified as armed robberies and four as piracy with a mounting concern for crew as 54 were taken hostage, 14 kidnapped and two were injured.

Worrying signs in the Singapore Straits

The Singapore Straits continues to raise

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