La solución a la situación irregular que vive este curso el Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional (CIFP) Náuticopesquera lleva fraguándose semanas y no eran pocas las voces que apuntaban a ello. De hecho el presidente del sector náutico de PIMEM, ADNEA (Asociación del Desarrollo Náutico de Empresas y Autónomos), Álex Casares, informó a este diario de que, aunque no conocía los detalles, tenía constancia de que la nueva directora general de Formación Profesional y Ordenación Educativa, María Isabel Salas Sánchez; y el conseller de Educación y Universidades, Antoni Vera,
The skills shortage in the maritime industry have been well documented. As well as a short supply of willing recruits, there are also capacity constraints on the training pathways that are essential to not only onboard people into the industry but to also progress their career at sea.
To address the seafarer shortage issue, the US Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) has ordered five new purpose-built modern training vessels, known as National Security Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMVs), for the country’s state maritime academies. The first of these, Empire State, has