Feijóo: ´Es un error que Repsol no aproxime posturas con Pemex


El presidente de la Xunta ve vital la alianza "por el petróleo y el naval" - La compañía mexicana estudia salir del accionariado de la española

lara graña | vigo 03.05.2014 | 02:00

Se había dado por hecho que habían sellado la paz Pemex y Repsol, pero hoy parece que solo protagonizaron una tregua. El gigante mexicano, que posee el 9,5% de la compañía española, sopesa la venta de todas sus acciones después de que el litigio entre ambas se haya reavivado. El nombramiento de Josu Jon Imaz como consejero delegado acabó por generar una nueva crisis, que en este caso trasciende lo empresarial y podría derivar en un conflicto a nivel institucional entre los Gobiernos de España y México.

El presidente

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ASIA: Shipbuilder rejects responsibility for MOL Comfort casualty


      by      Max Tingyao Lin    —    last modified        Apr 22, 2014 12:52 PM  
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has fought back against accusations that its negligence caused the five-year-old boxship MOL Comfort to split and sink off Yemen last year, saying issues related to ship operation might be the actual reasons for the incident.       

In an emailed statement to Lloyd’s List, the Japanese shipbuilder said it believed the casualty did not result from hull design or construction, which was carried out in compliance with ClassNK and International Association of Classification Societies rules.
“MHI believes that the ship’s accident was attributed to… reasons other than the hull design or construction,” the statement said.
“For example, unforeseen effects of the ship’s cargo load caused by overweight containers

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Hanjin Obtains US$800M in Orders for Six VLCCs

Hanjin Obtains US$800M in Orders for Six VLCCs

Friday, 11 April 2014 | 00:00

Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction (HHIC) has obtained six orders for Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC) for the first time since its foundation.
This is very meaningful to the Korean shipbuilder in that it has mostly built small and medium size vessels so far. In addition, the specialization structure between the Yeongdo Shipyard in Busan and Subic Shipyard in the Philippines has become apparent; the former focusing on medium-sized and special vessels while the latter on large-scaled ones.
Hanjin announced that the Subic Shipyard, its local subsidiary in the Philippines, received an order to build four 300,000-DWT-class VLCC from the UK-based ship operator Navig8 on April 9, and another order to construct

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Una tabla de salvación para los astilleros españoles: la navegación con gas

Una tabla de salvación para los astilleros españoles: la navegación con gas



España cuenta con "todos los elementos" para despuntar en la "revolución" de la industria de la navegación hacia el uso del gas natural licuado (GNL) como combustible, aunque necesita "ponerse en marcha", según el coordinador español del proyecto Costa, José Luis Almazán.

"Estamos ante una revolución parecida a cuando los buques pasaron del carbón al petróleo", explica Almazán en una entrevista con EFE, porque "ahora estamos a las puertas de un nuevo cambio tecnológico para pasar del petróleo líquido al gas", un combustible menos contaminante.

En este contexto, el proyecto Costa pretende impulsar una iniciativa europea que desarrolle las infraestructuras necesarias para la recarga de barcos que funcionen con gas

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No. 1 shipbuilder to talk wages

Friday, 11 April 2014 | 10:58

Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), the world’s largest shipbuilder, could face difficult wage bargaining this year after its labor union requested its highest pay raise in the past 12 years.
Through its in-house paper, the union revealed its annual wage increase proposal of 132,013 won ($126.94) on its monthly base pay. It is the largest wage increase request since 2002 when the union asked for a 138,912 won hike.
The proposal is a big hike compared with recent years. In 2012, the union asked for 111,231 more won, and last year it wanted 91,221 won.
The union has also proposed a performance bonus of 250 percent from base pay; a holiday bonus of 100 percent from base pay to

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