Seguridad marítima

Emergency Procedures: Actions to be taken in case of ship grounding










Ship grounding accidents are mostly caused by human errors, sometimes by inadequate information related to the port or because of unknown coral reefs and rocks. Maneuvering inattention and improper navigational operations should be listed as the most usual root causes of major ship grounding accidents as well.  While, faulty navigation instruments, bad weather conditions or an engine breakdown, can also lead to unintentional groundings or stranding. Such accidents effect on both the ship and the environment, but the worst scenario is to lead in the loss of human lives. This article underlines the seriousness of unintentional ship grounding.

The term ‘unintentional grounding’ in shipping

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Preventing kidney stones: How to stay hydrated onboard






One in ten people will likely have a kidney stone over their lifetime. Maintaining physical and mental health is not an easy task when the workload is heavy, and the shifts succeed one another. How much water have you drunk today?

Life of a seafarer onboard can be quite hectic, making it very easy to neglect taking care of themselves and forget to drink enough water, one of the fundamentals of well-being. Dehydration can have a negative impact on a person’s health and can cause or worsen certain diseases, including kidney stones.

What is a kidney stone?

A kidney stone is basically a hard mass of minerals, salts and other waste product crystals that form in the

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China-Russia in a nuclear sub counter to AUKUS





China’s Type 096 nuclear submarine draws on Russian tech and expertise and once operational will bring US mainland into closer missile range


 of China’s Type 093 SSN in terms of hull design, instrumentation, acoustic stealth improvement and acoustic countermeasures. She also notes that Russia remains well ahead of China in crucial submarine technologies such as quieting and nuclear propulsion.

A Chinese nuclear-powered Type 094A Jin-class ballistic missile submarine takes part in a military display in the South China Sea. Photo: Handout

The Type 096 may have design parallels with Russia’s next-generation SSBN. In August 2022, Asia Times reported about Russia’s Arcturus SSBN concept, which features sonar-deflecting shaping, new anti-echoic coating, a shaftless power plant and pump jet

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La Armada vigila la actividad de barcos rusos sobre cables submarinos en aguas españolas




El Periódico de España

Tres detecciones destacadas de intrusos desde la primavera pasada


Centro de vigilancia del Covam de la Armada en Cartagena.

Madrid23 de octubre del 2022 a las 12:11. Actualizada a las 15:21

El sistema militar de vigilancia de aguas territoriales ha detectado tránsito, creciente en el último año, de embarcaciones rusas sobre o cerca de grandes cables submarinos de datos, los que conectan digitalmente a España u otros países europeos con el exterior, confirman fuentes de la Armada a El Periódico de Catalunya, diario perteneciente al mismo grupo que este medio.

Estas fuentes cifran en tres las “detecciones principales” desde junio pasado. Son secretos el número total de detecciones, el tipo de barco avistado y su localización, información cuya obtención corre a cargo del Centro de

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Reino Unido advierte que Rusia está colocando "minas marinas" para disuadir a los buques de carga del Mar Negro La advertencia de minas marinas rusas se produce mientras la marina ucraniana dice que 12 buques de carga se preparan para viajar a los puertos





La advertencia de minas marinas rusas se produce mientras la marina ucraniana dice que 12 buques de carga se preparan para viajar a los puertos ucranianos del Mar Negro.

El granelero "Aroyat" navega hacia el puerto ucraniano de Chornomorsk, en el Mar Negro, el 16 de septiembre de 2023 utilizando un "corredor humanitario" temporal creado por Kiev para garantizar una navegación segura a través del Mar Negro, en medio de las amenazas rusas al transporte marítimo [Archivo: AFP ]

Rusia puede utilizar minas marinas contra barcos civiles en el Mar Negro, incluso colocándolas en las proximidades de los puertos ucranianos, ha dicho el Reino Unido citando fuentes de inteligencia.

La advertencia se

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